J'lyn lost her first tooth. Can you believe the day finally came. Well, she was shocked. We tried the pull really hard then get a chocolate chip. It took me 8 tries and then J'lyn pulled for the last time and viola. It came out.
Hey Sheena, cute pictures. So we moved up here to Vancouver, and we should get together some time soon. I tried to call you but I guess the number that I have is wrong. So email me you number and we can plan a play date.
James and Sheena have been married for over 6 years. We have 3 children: J'lyn 5, Jordyn 3, and Bryson 1 1/2. James is a teacher and Sheena a stay at home mom.
I can't believe she lost a tooth!!! CUTE! Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!
That is the most beautiful toothless grin I've ever seen.
We love you!!
Nana and Papa
Whoa. I would be freaked out to try to pull out a tooth. Good work!
Hey Sheena, cute pictures. So we moved up here to Vancouver, and we should get together some time soon. I tried to call you but I guess the number that I have is wrong. So email me you number and we can plan a play date.
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